Ludicrously and shamefully, last month, without a single protest from any UN member state, Saudi Arabia was elected to chair the UN’s forum set up to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, and eliminate gender-based discrimination and violence (Report, 27 March). In response to the appalling appointment of a delegate of a country with such an egregious record on the treatment of women, we call on all women to boycott the CSW69 meeting in March 2025 – the next session of the Commission on the Status of Women – unless this arrangement is rejected and another more suitable candidate from the Asia region is selected.
Margaret Owen
Co-chair, international working group, UK Civil Society Women’s Alliance
Dr Carol Mann
Université Paris 8

When, aged 10, I complained about the small egg I had been given for my tea (Letters, 3 April), my mother told me: “It was a day’s work for a hen.” I’m now 84, and it has remained the most effective putdown I have ever experienced.
Peter Occleston
Penicuik, Midlothian

It’s easy to counteract the effect on the passing public of “screaming tabloid headlines” on newsstands (Letters, 4 April). Just place a copy of the Guardian on top of each pile.
Mary Hutty

My mother’s wall sign reading “Only dull women have immaculate houses” (Letters, 7 April) is always left at a rakish angle.
Margaret Pedler

Is MP the only job where you can hand colleagues’ phone numbers to a potential sex blackmailer and not be fired (Report, 5 April)?
John Newsinger
Portslade, East Sussex

Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.

Last month, Saudi Arabia was elected to chair the UN’s forum on gender equality and women’s empowerment, despite its poor record on women’s rights. In response, Margaret Owen and Dr. Carol Mann call on women to boycott the CSW69 meeting in March 2025 unless a more suitable candidate is chosen from the Asia region.

Peter Occleston recalls his mother’s wise words about the value of a small egg, Mary Hutty suggests countering tabloid headlines with The Guardian, Margaret Pedler shares a humorous wall sign, and John Newsinger questions the consequences of a politician’s actions.

Do you have a photo to share with Guardian readers? Click here to upload it for a chance to be featured in our galleries and print edition.